Les Géants’ First Time In Canada To Celebrate Montreal’s 375th Anniversary
For this weekend only — May 19 to May 21 — Les Géants are coming downtown Montreal. It’s the first time they are coming to Canada, so be sure to go and give them a warm welcome. I was there yesterday for the first representation and I have to say it was quite impressive to see that many people working on these giant moving structures.
Les Géants have been created by Royal de Luxe — a French mechanical marionette street theater company — and has been touring worldwide for over two decades. They finally made their way to Canada for the first time to come celebrate with the Montrealers for the 375th anniversary of the Canadian metropolis.
You can follow the itinerary of Les Géants by downloading the 375th official app where you’ll be able to see where they are in real time.
Enjoy and be sure to share on all the social media with #375MTL 🙂

merci pour ces photos ca m a permi de voir les géants.